How Often Should You Blog? 3 Posting Schedules to Try (2025)

If you’ve been playing along at home and you’ve got your blog all setup, you write a blog post, and then…life happens.
You wake up at 6 a.m., exercise, go to work, pick up the kids from school, make dinner, finally put them to bed, and then you relax on the couch to blog. Only, you’re absolutely exhausted and really couldn’t be bothered with the idea of publishing new blog posts.
This has recently happened to me where I’ve now got a full-time job. I must admit, I have let the blogging frequency slide a little while I settle into a new routine.
So I thought, how often should you blog? If I miss a day here or there, will it hurt my SEO rankings?
Well…here’s the answer…it depends!
Yes. It depends on a lot of things with how many blog posts per week you should be publishing. See, every business is different. There are different goals in mind. Some can get away with barely posting, whereas others need a high frequency of posting.
In this article, I will give you a few suggestions so you can determine the best content marketing strategy for you and your business.
How Often Should You Blog?
To start with, the good news is that smaller companies have found success with a blog post frequency of only one to four times a week. While a much larger digital marketing company (like the Huffington Post) can push out a blog post once every 58 seconds, that’s 1600-2000 posts a day!
And that’s a post from 2013, imagine how much more it would have grown by today.
Now I’m not saying you need to be cranking out that insane amount of blog posts per day, but we need to find a happy medium.
Maybe only a couple per week would suit you better. Especially if you’re just a team of one person.
You really don’t want to burn yourself out.
Doing so will produce crap sub-par articles that will do nothing for your SEO except make sure that you get lost in the millions of blog posts that are put up each day in the search engines.
Pro Tip: Create an editorial calendar. This will include your content marketing goals, overall business goals, and your posting schedule for your blog. Take an hour or so to figure out how many new posts per month or the number of blog posts a week you want to achieve.
This will help keep you and your team members accountable for the blog content strategy you have set for yourself.
3 Blog Posting Schedules
Why Posting Every Day Can Work
Wait, what? Didn’t you just say that we don’t need to be posting regularly?
Well yes. But…it depends 😉. What niche are you in? Are you into a news-type niche where your audience is looking for quick and short articles to keep them up to date with current events?
If that’s the case, then a post once a week just isn’t going to cut it. You need to write with your target audience in mind. What are they searching for, and how can you best deliver that information to them?
The other thing is, you might be an absolutely awesome writer who can just write and write and write. Now, if this sounds like you and you’re in your groove, and you churn out daily posts, then you’re doing better than I am, so well done!
But what if you just stare at a blank screen all the time? Well, to help you get through it, you can use artificial intelligence writing tools to assist you so you can move on to the next article.
The SEO Benefit
With everything else being equal, the more posts you have on your site, the higher the chance you’ve got of readers finding you through the search engine pages.
Strictly speaking, though, it doesn’t actually quite work that way, and we’ll find out more below about why one awesome blog post is better than five just okay posts.
Tips on Posting Daily
- Speed up your typing. If you’re too slow, you won’t be able to keep up with the daily schedule.
- Look at other blogs in your niche. Have a look at their blog post structure and try to model from that. Don’t blatantly copy, though.
- Try and keep your readers engaged by creating different types of content. Use things like videos, list posts, lots of images, and infographic posts to spice things up. Keep it interesting.
- Plan ahead. Think of what you’re going to write before you do it. Make sure the niche you’ve chosen is broad enough to cover you being able to post daily.
- Keep it short and to the point.
Blogging daily, not for you? Let’s look at the next option.
Can Posting Once Per Month Be Enough?
I don’t know about you, but I normally unsubscribe from bloggers who post every day. The reason? In the same way that you as a writer can get burnt out, your readers can also suffer from burnout.
Think about all the things you do daily and how many other blogs there are (by the way, I’m so glad you’re making time to read this 🙂), now fit in all those daily blog posts too.
It can get quite overwhelming pretty quickly, right?
And it seems like I’m not the only one noticing this trend. Most of the big blogging names out there don’t publish daily anymore for this exact reason.
A recent study found that most bloggers now are blogging somewhere between 4 – 24 posts per month.
The SEO Benefit
As website owners, we’re looking for organic traffic. Traffic that came as a result of someone searching for something in particular. It’s free, which is a good thing for a business owner.
The problem here is that it takes time.
When I create blog posts, I put a lot of time and effort into them. I can write more meaningful content for you and hope that it lands (pun intended).
When you’re not posting daily, and if you’re already creating valuable content for your readers, then you can definitely go back and make that post even better later. You can do this by sprucing up those older posts, and now you’re providing fresh content.
Google loves this, and eventually, it will compound. What this means is that when you update a post, it gives you more reads, which gives you more recognition and brand awareness, which will (hopefully) give you more subscribers.
Tips on Posting Once to Three Times Per Week
- You need to make every post count. Keyword research will be important here. The keywords you choose to go for will need to have traffic already searching for them and also low competition. I like to use Ubersuggest or KeySearch (free sites), or if you’ve got a subscription, then definitely look at SEMrush or Ahrefs for more in-depth results.
- While a lot of SEO tools say a minimum of 600 words, Take a look at page 1 of your targeted keyword. If they’re all doing 4000+ words, then you’ll need to compete with that, just make sure it is relevant words being put in.
- Write evergreen content. This kind of ties in with point 1. These types of posts stay searched for a lot longer which means you’ve got more of a chance to be seen. Don’t forget to update these posts as you go along.
Quantity vs. Quality Content
I’m a big fan of not publishing any content, whether that’s social or a blog post, that I am not 100% happy to put my name on it.
Try to focus on creating the highest quality content possible. If you publish crappy blog posts, then you’ll get a crappy response to them. That’s not to say, though, that you can’t have both high-quality content and quantity on your website.
You need to find what works for you and your audience. I have come across plenty of blogs that don’t provide any value to their audience, and it shows through their writing style. They think they’re doing SEO but are keyword stuffing instead.
They clearly haven’t done keyword research and don’t understand the topic they’re blogging about. There are also no for or against arguments or opinions.
But there’s one expert out there who is known for just pushing out so much content. Gary Vaynerchuk (known as Gary V) is a true believer in posting so much content
In fact, he’s been quoted as saying:
“The next decade is going to be an enormous game of volume of output, and whichever companies figure that out first and can execute it will disproportionately pick up market share.”
His argument goes on to say that, through posting frequently (quantity), you’ll develop the quality posts you are after.
The more content you produce, the more feedback you’ll get from your audience. This will then give you the direction you need to take to keep them satisfied and, ultimately, keep coming back.
Why Blog Post Frequency is King
Suppose you tell your loyal readers out there that you’ve got a brand new e-book or webinar coming up on a particular date. But then, for whatever reason, you don’t publish that webinar when you said you would.
How Would Your Audience Feel?
I bet that you would lose a lot more than just sales, and that is credibility. One of the hardest things to gain and the easiest thing to lose.
It’s definitely more important to be consistent in your posting schedule than it is to be posting at random times every week.
If you are just starting a blog and you are asking yourself how often should I blog, that’s okay.
Consider getting data back from your Google Analytics about when you are getting most of your readers, and then adjust the blog frequency accordingly.
I’m currently aiming for a three-post-per-week schedule, apart from the ultimate guides I intend to roll out (stay tuned and be sure to subscribe to get notified when they come out).
Just because you might be able to post daily doesn’t necessarily mean you should. Instead, if you happen to find time available, then I suggest you try to ‘get ahead’ of your schedule.
Have posts ready to go for those weeks when life throws you something you’re not prepared for, and you can still post something you had prepared earlier.
Or better yet, you go on holiday, and you don’t feel like taking up time sitting on the beach buried in WordPress instead of actually having fun.
How to Test What Consistency is Best?
It’s simple. Ask your audience. Whether that’s through an email list, a survey, or even social media.
Ask them what they would be comfortable with to read and see how often you should post, then see if you can keep to it.
People get into the habit of viewing blogs at a particular time and expect to see new content on there when they visit.
You can also test the posting frequency itself. But I wouldn’t start by posting daily and then drop it to once per month and then increase the number of posts per week back up.
If you can, try to start slow and then increase it over time. Keep coming back to your data and see when more people are visiting your site.
Bottom Line
While quantity does have the ability to get your site crawling with traffic, don’t just post for the sake of posting.
If posting daily isn’t working so well for you, then it probably isn’t going too well for your readers, either. Maybe reign it back to blog posting twice a week or anywhere between 8 to 10 articles per month.
Consider what resources you have available to you and what frequency you would be most comfortable with when you’re looking at how often you should blog.
As a bare minimum, you should aim to post at least one blog every week.
The size of your business also needs to be factored in. More employees mean more content can be produced and more brainstorming ideas of what to post in the future.
Don’t forget to test, test, and then test some more. Know your data numbers.
Determining how often you post matters.
Finally, once you create a routine for yourself and you’re posting consistently, then don’t forget to also share your blog posts! Be sure to get that excellent knowledge you’ve created out there for others to gain and benefit from.
What is your frequency of blog posts? Are you thinking of changing your routine in light of this?